
Bliss & Stars Retreat



Stellar serenity

Surrender to awe and let curiosity be your guide. This retreat merges the wonders of astronomy with the serenity of meditation, and nature immersion.

As we gaze up at the starry skies, we can’t help but feel a sense of awe and connection to the cosmos. But what if we could deepen that connection, not only with the celestial objects above, but also with our own inner selves?

Star Bathing is a 3-night long experience that combines the ancient with the new, the rough with the luxurious, and the simple with the advanced. You will experience the night sky through our state-of-the-art telescopes, and as the bushmen saw it: far away from light pollution and urban noise. See the Milky Way in its full glory as it moves across through the sky.

We’ll walk in the footsteps of the Khoisan exploring caves and rock art. We’ll marvel at the wonders of the star-studded night sky and rely on other senses than just sight when we experience the surroundings in the dark.

Through a blend of guided meditations, nature immersions and unparalleled stargazing sessions, we will explore and capture the vastness of the universe while also cultivating a sense of inner calm and self-awareness. 

Join us on this journey of cosmic and personal discovery, where inner space meets outer space to discover the beauty and wonder that lies within and beyond.

Experience with astronomy & astrophotography is not required.


31 OCT - 3 NOV 2024


The entire experience is included in the stated prices. We never have extra “hidden” charges.
Eagles Nest Interior


R33,000 | 2 PERSONS

Leopards Cave Chalet At Bliss Amp Stars Retreat In Cederberg


R24,000 | 1 PERSON

Villa Weavers Nest At Bliss And Stars Retreat 1

R39,000 | 2 PERSONS

Luxury Bath At Bliss And Stars Cederberg


R27,000 |1 PERSON

Dassies Spot

R27,000 | 2 PERSONS

257 Figtree Blissandstars Teagancunniffe


R18,000 | 1 PERSON


4 days | 3 nights private accommodation in our chalets or tented chalets

Relaxation & meditation & breath work practices

Guided stargazing sessions and night hikes

Guided hikes to rock art sites

Access to state-of-the-art telescopes

Snacks and beverages served throughout the day

3 balanced and nutritious meals a day

Access to 1,350 ha of wild and pristine nature

Aiming For The Stars
Star gazing on Saturday night, and Heine's unparalleled passion, took me right back to the favourite aspects of my childhood and ignited a new personal interest that I'm excited to pick up.
Desire Stargazing


Our first experience of the night sky in the Cederberg cemented our decision to move to South Africa and create Bliss & Stars.

The smell of the bush, the sound of the crickets and the absence of the human sound together with the star-studded sky and billions of light points wrapping us in a blanket was a profound sensory experience. We were blissed out.

The universe is vast, rich, ancient, and mysterious. In his essay, Living Philosophies, Einstein wrote:
“The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead.”

A pristine night sky far away from light pollution evokes awe. It reminds us that this is the same sky seen by our ancestors who probably felt the same way – full of wonder and awe. Connected to everything, attached to nothing.

Studies show that experiencing awe makes us feel connected to something much bigger than ourselves. Awe makes us more resilient and kinder to each other.
We feel like time slows down. We also get exposed to natural daylight and undisturbed darkness, which improves our mood, resets our circadian rhythm, and releases natural melatonin, so we can sleep better.

Daria & Heine Rasmussen

Astronomy At Bliss And Stars
Heine’s passion for everything he does is unmatched and insanely badass. With the joy of a kid and inspiring enthusiasm: he knows the night sky so well, explains the science of the Big Bang like it's a home language and moves through the rocky hills like a duiker.
Nights At Cave
Stargazing Blissandstars Teagancunniffe 1


You always dreamt of laying on a blanket underneath the stars, appreciating the stillness and wonder of it all

You want to find peace

You want to explore the Moon, distant galaxies, and nebulas through large telescopes

You yearn for a deeper connection with nature

You are curious to learn more about the night sky and astronomy

You want to learn the basics of astrophotography and capture a galaxy or two with your DSLR camera

"Again a massive heartfelt thank you to you both for such a magnificent time at your extraordinary Retreat. Today we are left so aware of the lovely texture of the beautiful time away and the connection with special people. We hold you both so dearly in our hearts and thank you for the many gifts of connection you so generously shared. With our love to you and your stellar team."
Sue Greeff 800x946 1
Sue G.
DAily flow

The days are designed to relax and explore the surroundings and rock art sites.

There will be daily relaxation practice and guided hikes.

Nights are dedicated to star bathing and restorative sleep too. You can stargaze from your bed too.

Every night, we’ll take you on a stargazing journey: exploring caves, constellations, and galaxies.

We’ll count shooting stars and we’ll look deep into the night sky through the telescopes.


Find peace

Experience relaxation and perfect stillness.

Unplug and experience all that Mother Nature has to offer

Switch off the technology and experience the transformative power of nature and the night sky.

Be inspired

Find the new source of inspiration in the nature and starry night sky.
Beetroot Salad


Our serene days are complemented by nutritious and delicious plant-based food prepared by our chefs.

The food is a highlight for guests and a key component of balancing the nervous system. It heightens your senses, grounds you in your body, and connects you to the Earth.

We use ingredients sourced from our on-site organic garden and nearby local farms. Our menus are full of vegetables, grains, legumes, and seeds. 

Alcohol, caffeine, and processed sugars are excluded to aid the rejuvenation process.

Be it at the dining table or out in nature: meals are enjoyed in a communal setting with magnificent views either.

We accommodate most allergies and cater to most dietary requirements.

04 Mountain

Rest in spacious chalets that seamlessly mesh with nature

Be amazed by nature and observe the night sky through our state-of-the-art telescopes

Saunter in secluded mountainous areas

Relax and breathe deeply with mindfulness practices

Discover Bushmen cave paintings

Build bonds with others in small groups of a maximum of 10 people

Share the living space with elands, baboons, Cape leopards and many more beautiful animals

Travel lightly and use our daily laundry service


It is a +- 4.5 hour drive from Cape Town to the Bliss & Stars meeting point. Bliss & Stars is 60km north of Clanwilliam in the Western Cape. It is a 45-minute drive on a gravel road from Clanwilliam to the meeting point however no 4 x 4 or raised vehicle is necessary. At the meeting point, you can safely park your car and will take you the last bit of the way in our vehicle.

You are welcome to drive all the way to Bliss & Stars however: after the meeting point the road is sandy and rocky so a high clearance vehicle and confident driving skills are needed.

If you need a transfer from CPT or Cape Town International Airport then let us know.

Please aim to check in before 2pm. On the last day the retreat ends at 11 am and you will be able to check out from 12pm onwards.

If you are flying back home: we recommend booking your flight after 4pm. Alternatively break your travel and stay in Clanwilliam before you head back. We recommend the Yellow Aloe guesthouse in Clanwilliam.

Once your reservation has been confirmed: you’ll be sent a welcome letter providing lots of useful information about the retreat, including a helpful guide on what to pack.

These experiences are designed to be more intimate. We limit the number of guests to 6 – 10 people to ensure you receive full attention from the team.

Yes, we are very happy to welcome couples at this retreat.

Bliss & Stars is not conducive to children. We have a minimum age requirement of 21.

Please arrive no later than 2pm and plan to leave no earlier than 12pm. Exact arrival and departure times can be arranged with us closer to the time. 

We cater to specific nutritional and dietary requirements including food allergies and food intolerances. Vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options are always available.

Everyone is welcome at all of our experiences regardless of meditation experience or fitness levels. We cater for different levels, so that you will be supported, challenged and encouraged to learn.

No. You can pace yourself to find the perfect amount of activity that suits you. We support you in doing as much or as little as you’d like, depending on how you are feeling. Personally, we wouldn’t want to miss a thing!

Unfortunately not. We ask that you leave by 5pm on the closing day.

We unfortunately cannot accommodate disabled or mobility impaired people. Bliss & Stars is located in the Cederberg wilderness and the terrain doesn’t allow for such access.

For the benefit of everyone: we ask that all participants commit to attending the entire retreat from beginning to end. Your wholehearted commitment supports those in your group and expresses respect for the retreat staff.

We offer personalized payment plans for all our retreats up to 2 months before the start date of your stay.

Please read our terms & conditions for our cancelation policy

We always strive to make our experiences available to everyone and therefore we have a bursary program. Learn more here.

No, there is no mobile coverage or WIFI available. There is a computer with guest access available in case of emergency and you will be provided with a phone number should you need to be reached while staying at Bliss & Stars.


Please answer the questions below so we can tailor the experience to meet your needs.

We require a 50% deposit to confirm your reservation.

If you are not committed to making a reservation yet and have some questions, contact us here.

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