
Bliss & Stars Retreat




Mindfulness is about being here, now. It’s the simple, yet profound practice of inhabiting the present moment. Instead of getting tangled in the regrets of the past or the anxieties of the future, mindfulness anchors you in the now. It’s not about stopping thoughts but fostering a kinder, more accepting relationship with them. The aim? Well-being, and inner freedom, resilience, regardless of life’s ups and downs.

When we’re caught in the grip of depression or anxiety, our sense of well-being can feel distant. Mindfulness helps us reconnect with openness, wisdom, love, and compassion. There’s a vast body of scientific research showing that cultivating mindfulness can enhance emotional regulation and reduce anxiety. You become better equipped to handle life’s challenges.


Mindfulness meditation, breathwork and movement are ways to bring calmness and deep body and mind connection into everyday life.

The practices are sprinkled throughout your days.

Mindful movement, mindful eating, mindful walking, mindfulness meditation, breathwork and somatic experiencing guide you to build resilience and rediscover intuitive wisdom and innate joy.


Being present is coming home to yourself and embracing life as it is.

We use simple practices to cleanse and declutter the mind, body, and heart. We practice being present and nourish the connection between the body and mind.

We slow down and listen to the body to understand how it moves and feels in order to know what nourishment it needs.

The daily practices combine breath, movement, food, nature and rest to balance the nervous system and boost resilience.

Benefits of mindfulness

Mindfulness is more than just sitting still—it’s a transformative practice for both mind and body. Here are some key benefits:

Improves Physical Health: Mindfulness tunes you into your body’s needs.

Relieves Stress: Calming the amygdala, it lowers cortisol levels, reducing stress-related conditions like migraines, hypertension, and depression.

Treats Mood Swings: Boosts serotonin, enhancing optimism and well-being.

Alleviates Depression and Anxiety: Helps in recovering from and preventing relapse into anxiety and depression.

Enhances Ability to Deal with Illness: Focus less on pain, improving quality of life.

Accelerates Recovery: Aids in the healing process and helps with addiction recovery.

Increases Focus: Improves concentration, memory, and decision-making.
Slow down.

Ask yourself frequently: ‘How is my body, mind and heart?’

Your breath is your anchor to the present moment.

Avoid routine. Do one thing differently every day.

Focus on one thing only. If you drink tea, bring all your attention and senses to drinking tea.

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