
Bliss & Stars Retreat

Six Steps to Get Unstuck from Stress
Get Unstuck


Survival mode is something we all fall into at some point. It’s that state where everything feels like a crisis, where we’re constantly on high alert while navigating through stress and uncertainty. We might not even realize we’re there because it becomes the default setting, with our mind racing and body tense as we react to life instead of live it.

Getting unstuck from survival mode doesn’t mean the external chaos goes away – it means finding ways to stop running from it. Here are six steps to help shift out of survival mode and reclaim a sense of calm and control.

1.⁠ ⁠Slow Down

The first step is often the hardest: slow down. In a world that pushes constant productivity and speed, slowing down feels counterintuitive. The act of pausing—whether through intentional breathing, sitting in stillness, or stepping away from the noise—creates space to recalibrate. Slowing down isn’t about doing less; it’s about creating a moment to catch your breath and reset.

2.⁠ ⁠Reconnect with the Body

When we’re stuck in survival mode, we disconnect from our bodies. Stress pulls us into our heads, and into the endless cycle of thoughts, worries, and planning. Reconnecting with the body means taking a moment to notice physical sensations – feeling your feet on the ground, relaxing your shoulders, and paying attention to your breath. Your body carries wisdom and grounding, and tuning into it can pull you out of your mind’s whirlwind.

3.⁠ ⁠Stay Present

In survival mode, the mind tends to dwell on the past or project into the future—neither of which offers any real control. Bringing attention back to the present moment is a way to regain clarity. Whether through mindfulness practices, a walk outside, or simply noticing your surroundings, grounding yourself in the now helps break the habit of getting lost in what’s already happened or what could happen next.

4.⁠ ⁠Acknowledge What’s Hard, Find What’s Good

It’s important to validate that some things are genuinely difficult. Survival mode thrives when we try to ignore or suppress the challenges we face. Acknowledging the weight we’re carrying allows us to start shifting it. At the same time, it’s crucial to notice the small moments of light—what some call “glimmers.” These are the little things that offer peace or joy, even in the midst of the struggle. Recognizing both sides is a key part of moving out of survival mode.

5.⁠ ⁠Focus on What You Can Control

Survival mode often comes from the feeling that everything is out of our hands. While there are many things we can’t control, there’s always something we can influence. Shifting focus to the areas where we have power—whether it’s over our reactions, our choices, or our environment—helps reclaim agency. Instead of trying to manage every aspect of life, concentrate on what you can actually change.

6.⁠ ⁠Find Stability in External Anchors

When the internal world feels shaky, external anchors can provide grounding. These might be found in nature, movement, connection with others, creative expression, or moments of play. Whether it’s spending time outdoors, engaging in meaningful conversations, or finding stillness through meditation, these anchors help regulate our nervous system and provide stability when life feels overwhelming.

These six steps don’t remove the chaos from life, but they offer ways to navigate through it with more ease and resilience. Survival mode is not a permanent state; it’s a reaction to external pressures. By slowing down, reconnecting with the body, staying present, acknowledging challenges, focusing on what’s within control, and finding external support; it’s possible to move out of that reactive state and into a place of greater calm.

The goal isn’t to eliminate stress but to learn how to grow within it, finding peace even when things remain uncertain.


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